Boost your team's government relations IQ
Stay briefed on regulatory matters,
legislative issues and key influencers
legislative issues and key influencers
When we develop a government affairs strategy,
we think of the DC landscape in three critical areas.
Based on the political climate, the emphasis can change
from year to year, but the structure remains the same.
Regulatory Matters
- Issue a weekly newsletter highlighting policy changes
- Create policy briefs on topics under consideration
- Coordinate comment letters for proposed rule making
Regulatory Matters
Legislative Issues
- Profile new congressional members on key committees
- Provide access to Congressional visits and meeting facilities on Capitol Hill.
- Provide high level read outs from congressional hearings
- Keep abreast of pending legislation and potential impact
Legislative Issues
Trades, Think Tanks & Influencers
- Host meetings with consumer advocates and civil rights organizations
- Advance important issues with the trades where more traction is needed
- Summarize the latest data and research from Think Tanks.
Trades, Think Tanks & Influencers
Communication is key to building a
point of view and keeping teams informed.
All communications are geared toward improving
the “Government Relations IQ” of the organization.
Executive Team
- Weekly check-in to walk through that week’s priorities
- Wrap up email each Friday with a comprehensive newsletter
- Wrap up email each Friday with a comprehensive newsletter
Leadership Team
- Weekly check-in to walk through that week’s prioritiesMonthly call with DC experts on current issues/housing updates
- Weekly newsletter
All Team Members
- Twice a year town halls walking through housing issues/DC updateWeekly check-in to walk through that week’s priorities
Housing Finance Strategies (HFS) is a well-known mortgage leader in Washington, DC and across the country in state and local government. Whether it is coordinating a legislative roundtable or providing guidance on Ginnie Mae All Participants Memorandums or FHA Mortgagee Letters, HFS employs a team of experts including former government lending employees.
Through experience on Capitol Hill informing members and staff, or providing testimony to Congressional committees, HFS has the depth of knowledge and understanding to inform your executives and line senior management.
With headquarters in the nation’s capital and with long established relationships with trade associations and career and political staff at key federal agencies, HFS can assess and determine the recommended approach to the most complex issue.